Samples Pickup for Marijuana, Cannabis, CBD and Hemp Testing

GSL MJ Pick Up Service

Green Scientific Labs owns a brand-new transportation fleet that is equipped with GPS and WI-FI to allow our logistics team to track and locate samples while in transit. As part of our sampling SOPs, all samples are transported and stored to prevent cross contamination or tampering. All our technicians are over the age of twenty-one and have gone through and successfully passed Level 2 background checks.

One of our highly trained lab technicians will show up to your location to begin the sample pick up process. We recognize that each of our MMTC clients are unique and therefore, we have carefully crafted sample pickup SOPs for efficiency and accuracy that are specific to each facility.

Green Scientific Labs cannabis pick up services
35 Experienced
1,250 Satisfied
36,000 Samples
150,000 Tests

Mobile Application

Green Scientific Labs has developed a proprietary mobile application that is used during the sample pickup process that maintains a digital chain of customer form and collects all necessary compliance information to make state submission as simple as possible.